HKC Father’s Day – Smart Fitness Mirror Promotion 📣📣📣 From June 1st to July 31st 2020, customers enjoy premium discount price of $6500 + monthly subscription fee of $300 to get a 21.5-inch Smart Home Mirror with KARA Fitness App (one-year/two-years membership subscription). instalments option can be chosen up to 24 months!
Our Smart Fitness Mirror installed with KARA Fitness APP which uses AR technology to improve your fitness position. You get daily personalized workout with over 20+ KOL personal trainer. Instead of going public gym room for exercising during epidemic, let’s train at home with our smart mirror!
Order Hotline: 2527-8822 Email: contact_hkcgroup@hkc.net
Live Smart with Fitness Mirror!
【Info】 Kara fitness mirror ============ 👍🏻Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hkc_buddy/ 👍🏻YouTube Channel: HKC 香港通訊 👍Website: www.hkc.com.hk