BLE (Bluetooth) Location Tracking System for Sik Sik Yuen
HKC has the honor of providing a BLE (Bluetooth) Location Tracking System for Sik Sik Yuen. The Real Time Location System (RTLS) can handle 100 connections concurrently via the Sik Sik Yuen BLE network and its self-developed mobile app, providing tour guide services to visitors. To utilize the self-tour guide function, visitors are required to download the “Location Positioning Apps” through the Android platform. The app is associated with an AP for all communications with the positioning Engine server. It measures the signal strengths from nearby APs and reports the results to the Positioning Engine server over the network. The entire RTLS solution allows for complete management and tracking of Bluetooth tags, location-based notifications, alerts, and reports with third-party applications.
With the App application, it provided convenience for visitors during the visit in Sik Sik Yuen and it also enriched their touring experience.