FY11 Collection Stocktake Service for National Library Board of Singapore


October 2011 is an important milestone for Singapore Communications (Wavex) Pte Ltd on the completion of FY11 Collection Stocktake Service for National Library Board of Singapore (NLB). The stocktake exercise was carried out with high standard of service and accuracy. We have again fulfilled NLB’s expectations to:

1. Increase and improve the accuracy of information in OPAC
2. Ascertain the loss rate of library materials
3. Detect items that are not belong to the current branch
4. Recover any loss or misplaced items

The project was kick-started in end July 2011 after the award and it has kept our admin, project and software team busy on the hardware and software preparation, logistics arrangement, hardware and software deployment, manpower planning and project implementation. A total of 45 RFID scanning stations and all other supporting equipment were deployed to the public libraries, regional libraries, mobile library, and National library for the entire stocktake exercise. The manpower comprises mainly temporary workforces who work throughout the night from 9pm till the next morning 6am to complete 100% scanning of library materials before it is opened to public. This stocktake exercise was carried out without affecting the library operation.

Key outcomes for the project:

• Total of 14 library branches involved
• Total of 2.4 million library items scanned using RFID scanning
• Detected and found items belong to other branches
• Detected and found missing and misplaced items in the library using RFID scanning
• Increased collection accuracy to 99.9%

NLB has a total 27 library branches and the collection stocktake exercise will be done once every 2 years for each branch. There will be another 13 libraries scheduled for collection stocktake in April – June 2012.

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